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Curtain Decorating Tips

Choosing a style...

There are a wide variety of window treatments available to suit almost every taste. When choosing a style it is important that the treatment is functional and aesthetically pleasing. With tab curtains you can create a look that ranges anywhere from country to colonial. Grommet panels in rich textured fabrics lend themselves to a contemporary feel. Panels made from luxurious fabrics, layered with sheers and embellished top treatments offer a traditional look. The possibilities are as limitless as one’s imagination.

Choosing a color...

Don’t be afraid to experiment with color. Use as much or as little as you like. Let your colorful personality show through as you decide on colors for your windows. Before making a color choice, try to visualize what you want your completed window to look like. What atmosphere do you want to set? Yellow portrays warmth, and harmony. It lifts your spirit. Yellows of all shades can brighten up the smallest space and make it look larger. Red is energetic and invigorating. At times it may be too intense to use in large amounts. Use it sparingly for just a touch of energy. Blues and green are warm and inviting. These colors can be used in any room. White exudes innocence and tranquility. It creates a peaceful, serene atmosphere. Combining various textures of white enhances the soothing affects of the color. When choosing colors for window treatments be sure you choose colors you can live with. No one wants to invest their time, energy and money in purchasing and installing window treatments only to find that they hate the color!

Layering serves multi purposes...

A simple valance used alone at a window is sometimes all that is needed. At other times, you may want to add multiple treatments on a window. Layering is a good way to bring flair and elegance to a room; it can also increase energy efficiency. Combining lined panels with sheers and topping off with swags or valances can create a dramatic room transformation. However the benefits of layering extends far past aesthetics. Layering offers a defense against unwanted noise from traffic and neighboring activities. Fabric treatments are a better sound barriers than those constructed of hard materials. Layered treatments help keep you cooler in hot weather and insulate against heat loss in the winter.

Don’t forget the curb appeal...

When considering window treatments we most often visualize how a room looks from the inside. Increase curb appeal by lining window treatments that face the street with either white or natural for a finished look. When using unlined panels you can still maintain a uniformed facade by using sheers that are white or natural underneath your panels.

Should I use natural or white?

This is really a matter of personal preference, but here are a few things to consider. White is brighter, because it reflects more light, and will provide a sharper contrast with the rest of the colors in your room. It draws more attention to the window. Natural offers a warmer, softer look, and tends to more easily blend with or complement the other colors in your room.

Control light through fabric selection...

Sheers and laces filter light without blocking it, and doesn't disturb your view. Natural or white cottons or blends, are translucent, and soften the light. Woven fabrics, lined curtains and insulated curtains more nearly block out the light. Achieve the lighting effect you want by selecting an appropriate fabric.

Benefits of lined curtains...

Although lined curtains tend to cost a bit more than unlined, there are added benefits to selecting lined. Lined curtains block out the effects of bright sunlight and harmful UV rays that could lead to premature fading of upholstered furniture. Secondly, they offer a bit more insulating value. Because curtains a usually lined in white or natural they present a uniformed view from the street while allowing you to vary the color and pattern from room to room.

The art of camouflage...

Make a narrow window appear wider by placing panels and corresponding hardware beyond the actual perimeter of the window. Make wide windows appear narrower by using floor length curtains or drapes, and placing them to just cover the window, using as little wall space as possible. Add height to your window by placing curtains or drapery panels close to the ceiling rather than right at the window’s edge.

Selecting colors for your window...

Use as much or as little color as you feel comfortable with. Solid colors or prints are refreshing and draw attention to the window. Soft, neutral colors can complement the colors in your carpeting, furniture, or wallpaper. If the window is interesting architecturally, you may want to emphasize that feature through color selection. Don't hesitate to experiment with mixing naturals and whites, or prints, stripes and solids. Warm shades of reds and yellows will add life to a room. Cool colors ... blues or whites ... or earth tones like greens and browns ... are restful. Work toward harmony and complementarity in color selection.

We are here to help...

Even the most elegant room falls short if the window treatments are not right. Like wall color and flooring, window treatments help to pull the room together. Whether your quest is to hide a flaw, frame or conceal an outside view, we can help. Give us a call or e-mail with your design questions and dilemmas. We can help you decide what will work for you.